As SNEAK PEEK has been promoting for many months now, Warner Brothers now confirms a greenlight for the remake of the 1973 killer robot classic "WESTWORLD".
Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed on to star/produce the new effort, based on the original Michael Crichton sci-fi action thriller. Schwarzenegger will reprise the pivotal role of a robot gunslinger, made notorious, pre-Terminator, by actor Yul "Maginficent Seven" Brynner.
The original "WESTWORLD" (also directed by Chrichton) imagined a Wild West Fantasyland, where life-like androids look, act and talk the real thing, with Peter Martin (Richard Benjamin) and John Blane (James Brolin) as two businessmen innocently enjoying an ultimate trip. But when a programming error causes the town's robot residents to turn deadly the two must square off against an unstopppable gunslinger determined to bring the vacation to a fatal conclusion. Screenwriters Richard D'Ovidio and Channing Gibson continue developing the project with producer Joel "Lethal Weapon" Silver, for Silver Productions.
